Is it okay to keep the staircase in the middle of the home as per Vastu?

In Vastu, it is generally not recommended to have a staircase in the middle of the home. The central part of the house, known as the Brahmasthan, is considered sacred and is believed to emit positive energy throughout the living space. Placing a staircase in this area can disrupt the flow of energy and create imbalances.However, it's important to remember that each home is unique, and there can be variations in Vastu...

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What is the best place for a staircase in the house?

When it comes to Vastu, the placement of the staircase within a house plays a crucial role. Ideally, it should be positioned in the south, southwest, or west direction. However, it is important to avoid constructing a staircase in the northeast corner, as it is considered inauspicious.To maximize the positive energy flow within the house, it is recommended that the staircase ascends from east to west or north to so...

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